
Government Agencies and Universities Collaborate to Promote Regional Sustainable Development
National Green Lifestyle - Group Photo with Hand Gestures
National Green Lifestyle - Group Photo with Hand Gestures
Director-general Yi-shu Li's Address
Director-general Yi-shu Li's Address

   On March 31, 2023, the Nantou County Government's Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB), in its pursuit of promoting regional sustainable development effectively, co-organized a conference on regional sustainable development planning and promotion in collaboration with National Chi Nan University. They invited Hui-Zhen Jian, the Director of the Department of Supervision Management and Dispute Resolution at the Ministry of Environment, to deliver a speech and share experiences during the event.

   In 2022, the National Development Council officially announced Taiwan's “2050 Net-Zero Emissions Pathway,” which consists of four major transformations: “Energy Transition,” “Industrial Transformation,” “Lifestyle Transformation,” and “Social Transformation,” along with two governance foundations: “Technological Research and Development” and “Climate Legislation.” Supported by “Twelve Key Strategies,” action plans have been developed for critical areas of expected growth in energy, industry, and lifestyle transformations to realize the goal of net-zero transformation.

   Director Hui-Zhen Jian is one of the key advocates for the “Net-Zero Green Lifestyle” key strategy. Regarding how to put the goal of a net-zero green lifestyle into practice for sustainable development, Director Jian mentioned that it can be achieved by formulating relevant measures and concrete actions in six major dimensions: food, clothing, housing, transportation/entertainment, shopping, and nurturing. These actions drive lifestyle transformation and result in changes in how we live.

   National Chi Nan University, with many years of experience in promoting USR, has ventured beyond the university campus. They have taken their expertise to neighboring communities and even Southeast Asia, sharing and disseminating professional knowledge. This is how they fulfill their social responsibility as a university, establishing a sustainable operational framework, and nurturing a group of high-quality individuals as seeds for sustainable development within the university.

   Director Yi-shu Li, EPB, Nantou County Government, stated that today, through dialogues with central and local authorities as well as educational institutions, practical strategies and objectives for a green lifestyle have been developed. These initiatives take into account Nantou County's unique environmental and cultural characteristics and integrate them with sustainability and net-zero emission goals to jointly implement a low-carbon lifestyle, contributing to Nantou County's sustainable development efforts.

   Advertisement by the EPB, Nantou County Government

  • Director Hui-Zhen Jian's Speech
    Director Hui-Zhen Jian's Speech
    Opening Address by Director Ku-Fan Chen
    Opening Address by Director Ku-Fan Chen
Updated:2023-10-25 PM 02:30:12