
Environmental Preservation: A Shared Responsibility - Littering Comes with Penalties

   People who are accustomed to littering should take note: if they are reported for casually littering, even if not caught in the act, and evidence collected at the scene can prove their misconduct in that location, they will still face corresponding penalties.

   Recently, in Hukeng Lane, Mingjian Township, Nantou, local residents reported to the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) that the vacant area by the roadside is frequently used as a dumping ground for litter. EPB personnel visited the site and found a significant amount of household waste scattered there, causing an untidy and unpleasant environment. During the inspection, individuals were caught in the act of littering in this location, and this case will be reported according to the Waste Disposal Act. Furthermore, in cases of littering and trash dumping at such disorderly spots, if relevant evidence is found, suspected individuals will be notified to provide an explanation. If investigations confirm the violation, legal procedures will be followed in accordance with the relevant regulations.

   Director-general Yi-shu Li of EPB urges the public to understand that environmental preservation is a shared responsibility. Every household and the county government should work together to maintain the cleanliness of their surroundings and continue to uphold a high-quality living environment in Nantou County. If individuals are caught engaging in illegal trash dumping, they will face penalties as per Article 27 of the Waste Disposal Act, which can result in fines up to NTD6,000. Additionally, property owners, managers, or occupants are also legally obligated to maintain and manage their properties responsibly, including the removal of all waste and refuse left on the land, thereby safeguarding the quality of the environment.

Updated:2023-10-25 PM 02:31:27