
Must-know Household Slurry Removal in Nantou County
List of slurry clearance agencies in Nantou County
List of slurry clearance agencies in Nantou County


 Since there are no legal slurry treatment facilities under the jurisdiction of Nantou County and no Township (Town, Borough) Offices of Nantou County are equipped with slurry extraction and clearance machinery or tools, slurry clearance services are unavailable to households in the county. Those with slurry pumping and clearance needs may contact a legal clearance agency to handle clearance. Search Clearance treatment agency service management information system for the list of related operators.

 According to the Environmental Protection Bureau, slurry falls under general waste. The general public should regularly remove slurry from a septic tank at home to avoid obstruction and odors from the drainage, reducing concerns over environmental health. In case of unauthorized slurry dumping, such as using an uncertified company carry out the work, there are usually administrative penalties. A fine of $6,000 shall be imposed in accordance with the Waste Disposal Act. A fine of more than NT$30,000 shall be imposed for polluting water in accordance with the Water Pollution Control Act. Therefore, the general public is required to have a legal clearance agency handle clearance.

Updated:2022-05-18 PM 05:34:47