
Congratulations to Yuchi Township Dongguang Community Development Association on receiving the 2020 National Outstanding Water Environment Patrol Team by the EPA, Executive Yuan
Periodic water quality monitoring by Dongguang Patrol Team
Periodic water quality monitoring by Dongguang Patrol Team
Periodic inspection by Dongguang Patrol Team
Periodic inspection by Dongguang Patrol Team

 The Yuchi Township Dongguang Community Development Association was established in 2017 upholding the philosophy of “serve, mutual help and self-help.” It carries out works including caring for the environmental landscape in the community, water conservation, river patrol, environmental protection and ecology community safety, as well as agricultural development. The Association was formed aiming to maximize the power of community participation and the driving force created by the community to further promote the overall development and sustainable management of the community.
 Since establishment four years ago, with the joint efforts of 55 patrol team members, water source conservation patrol operations and autonomous water quality monitoring have been set up. All members of the team have also obtained the volunteer certificate, and assist the Bureau in reporting dirty rivers or streams. In 2020, Dongguang Patrol Team conducted a total of 10 related education and training sessions and activities, 30 water quality inspections and 35 river cleanups, removing approximately 205kg of general garbage. The partnership between the officials and private vendors has been proven effective. Other than river cleanups, Dongguang Patrol Team also set up an ecology classroom for ecological surveys. Through integrating community ecological conservation, water resources features and geological conditions, water source conservation activities are organized targeting different social groups. These activities include: making eco-friendly enzyme cleaner, regular inspection on the micro-hydropower facilities of Xiangtian Zun and explaining the principles of micro-hydropower generation to emphasize the local culture, creating a local micro-economy.
 The EPB recommended Dongguang Patrol Team to represent Nantou County to take part in the National Outstanding Water Environment Patrol Team competition. Wang Mei-hui, President of Yuchi Township Dongguang Community Development Association represented the Team to attend the evaluation. With the thorough explanation of President Wang, committee members and representatives of patrol teams from different counties and cities got to know more about Dongguang Patrol Team. After a session of enthusiastic discussion, without failing everyone’s expectation, it was decided that Dongguang Patrol Team was to be awarded the 2020 Outstanding Water Environment Patrol Team (top ten in the country) award, which was given by the senior technical specialist of the EPB, Chu Wen-di. Thanks to the achievements of patrolling and river cleanups of Dongguang Patrol Team, the local community was united and soft power created.

  • Guided explanation by Dongguang Patrol Team
    Guided explanation by Dongguang Patrol Team
    Receiving the National Outstanding Water Environment Patrol Team Award from senior technical specialist of the EPB, Chu Wen-di
    Receiving the National Outstanding Water Environment Patrol Team Award from senior technical specialist of the EPB, Chu Wen-di
    President of Yuchi Township Dongguang Community Development Association, Wang Mei-hui, introduces Dongguang Patrol Team to members
    President of Yuchi Township Dongguang Community Development Association, Wang Mei-hui, introduces Dongguang Patrol Team to members
  • Wang Mei-hui, President of Yuchi Township Dongguang Community Development Association
    Wang Mei-hui, President of Yuchi Township Dongguang Community Development Association
    2020 National Outstanding Water Environment Patrol Team selection meeting
    2020 National Outstanding Water Environment Patrol Team selection meeting
Updated:2021-06-22 AM 11:52:46