
Friendly planting protects the earth – eliminate flies for a quality environment
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 Fresh chicken manure is used in Nantou Count for fertilization in agricultural farming. As hot weather is approaching, farms have become breeding sites for flies, and have seriously affected the living quality of nearby residents. In Nantou and Mingjian Bagua areas where pineapples and other crops are grown, farmers use fresh chicken manure as fertilization during the planting period after spring. With the approach of warmer weather, the foul smell of fresh chicken manure attracts flies to lay eggs and hatch. After hatching, flies invade neighboring schools, communities, and temples, significantly affecting the living quality, environmental hygiene, schooling environment and tourist spots.
 In 2019, through cooperation of a total of 14 government agencies, Nantou Environmental Protection Bureau purchased large fly traps for Nantou and Mingjian with remarkable results. According to the school, during the farmer’s planting period, the school attracts flies using the bait placed in the large fly trap to catch them effectively. This act has improved the environmental hygiene of the school.
 The EPB also said, it continues to do its utmost to improve the fly problem through a number of methods. It will enforce the inspection of vehicles carrying fresh chicken manure while also encouraging farmers to switch to cocked chicken manure to reduce fly infestation. Also, subsidies will be provided to schools to carry out research and experimental projects to verify the concept of large fly traps. Keys for trapping flies, placement location of the fly trap, time of use and the best lure source will also be experimented. Via the results of fly trapping research, environmental education will be further promoted for farmers, schools and communities.  By controlling the source, we can reduce fly breeding problem during the fly season. At the same time, the public is urged to jointly maintain the environment to solve local environmental problems, and share a quality environment.


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Updated:2021-06-22 AM 11:53:30