
Stop taking chances – EPB urges the public to sort their garbage and electronic cameras will be used for monitoring
Stickers of garbage classification slogans on the dumpster
Stickers of garbage classification slogans on the dumpster
Filming people whether they place their recyclables into the correct dumpster
Filming people whether they place their recyclables into the correct dumpster

 Due to the fact that some areas in Nantou County are rural, dumpsters and recycling bins were placed in certain areas for the convenience of residents. As these locations are remote, it is difficult to ensure that garbage is properly sorted and as a result, it is likely for a dumpster to be collected without making a mess due to unsorted garbage. Having to record the situation while the dumpster was previously being collected, it was discovered that people discarded construction materials in the dumpster. It was a nice idea for people to dispose of their garbage and recycle items, but some people have taken it for granted and the state of these locations is becoming extremely poor.
 The EPB has urged those who do not recycle their garbage to watch their backs. In order to implement garbage recycling and prevent messes as a result of random disposal of garbage, the EPB will continue to install cameras at the side of the dumpster. If people are found to not sort their garbage properly or randomly dispose of garbage, advice will be given in the nearby village regarding such behavior. Where the same situation reoccurs, it will be reported immediately.
 The Bureau emphasis the importance of three types of garbage – “general garbage,” “recyclable” and “food waste.” General garbage includes, electronic government uniform invoices, diapers, toilet paper, chewing gum, etc.; recyclables include paper, plastic, glass, iron and aluminum, cans, PET bottles, paper cutlery, beverage cartons, waste lighting tubes, waste batteries, etc. The public is advised to dispose of these above items accordingly in the correct recycling bins for collection.
 Director Fang urged people not to violate the law for personal convenience. Based on the regulations stipulated in the “Waste Disposal Act,” for those who fail to mandatorily sort their garbage, a fine between NTD 1,200 and NTD 6,000 can be issued. He also asked the public to not take any chance, as sorting garbage is a goal driven by everyone. By properly sorting garbage, we can create a sustainable and circular home.


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Updated:2021-06-22 AM 11:30:55